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Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) is the prime mover organization in Bangladesh to support industrialization process through creation of an entrepreneurial society. BSCIC was established by an Act of the Parliament in 1957. Vision of this corporation is to accelerate the industrial growth through promotion and extension of Medium, small and cottage industries. Its development activities are motioned, catalyzed and supported by promotion and extension services to the Medium, small and cottage industries . Medium, small and cottage industries(SCI's) contribution to GDP (June 2017) is  about 3.71 which is 21.73 percent of the total industries sector’s (manufacturing) contribution. For human resource development, it has a number of institutes like Small and Cottage Industries Training Institute (SCITI), 15 Skill Development Centers (SDC). one Design Center and a well equipped Computer Lab  in the Head Office. These institutes are the centers of excellence and work for capacity building through training and consultancy services. BSCIC maintains lean staff with interdisciplinary expertise that has pioneered innovative solutions to entrepreneurship development and enterprise creation. They are growing with experiential learning and demonstrate how an entrepreneurial society can fight against poverty. Besides, as govt. organization, BSCIC always committed to put its effort for implementing govt. decisions and agenda for the interest of the country through its capacity under the guidance of Ministry of Industries. Accordingly, BSCIC has been contributing its efforts to implement the govt. initiatives regarding Vision 2021: Digital Bangladesh by enhancing its capacity building through ICT arrangement. BSCIC developed ICT based infrastructure and services for entrepreneurs for the interest of SCI sector development.

BSCIC has its institutional network throughout the country to provide services to the entrepreneurs. Being its Headquarter at Dhaka it has 4 Regional offices, 64 District offices (Industries Service Centre), 74 Industrial Estates and 1 Training Institue at Dhaka, 1 Design centre, I computer Lab and 15 Skill Development Centers at different places of the country,

The website of BSCIC (www.bscic.gov.bd) focuses the development program of Medium, Small and Cottage Industries sector in congruence with the govt. policy. Person interested to know more about BSCIC is requested to visit this website www.bscic.gov.bd.It will be highly appreciated if any body logs on any topic and inquires about the services BSCIC delivers. Suggestions and comments for improvement of BSCIC’s services as well as this website will be gratefully acknowledged.

Main Objectives of BSCIC:
•    Increase of industrial production and productivity in the SCI sector ;
•    Creation of employment opportunities;
•    Poverty alleviation;
•    Balanced regional growth;
•    Ensure  optimum utilization of economic and human resources;
•    Accelerate overall economic growth of the country through SCI;